Half a billion years ago, mysterious processes ignited the Cambrian explosion and gave rise to complex life. Today we stand at the cusp of a new Cambrian moment catalyzed by artificial intelligence.

Cambrian Moment is developing AI-enabled products targeted at aging adults, enabling them to remain independent, healthy, and connected with their loved ones.

We also advise on immersive experiences and systems harnessing frontier technologies. We work with all the leading platforms you know — Apple (where our founder Bart Trzynadlowski worked on Vision Pro and other AR projects), Meta Quest, Snapchat, Unity, OpenAI — and some you may not.

Stay tuned or reach out for more information.

Half a billion years ago, mysterious processes ignited the Cambrian explosion and gave rise to complex life. Today we stand at the cusp of a new Cambrian moment catalyzed by artificial intelligence.

Cambrian Moment is developing AI-enabled products targeted at aging adults, enabling them to remain independent, healthy, and connected with their loved ones.

We also advise on immersive experiences and systems harnessing frontier technologies. We work with all the leading platforms you know — Apple (where our founder Bart Trzynadlowski worked on Vision Pro and other AR projects), Meta Quest, Snapchat, Unity, OpenAI — and some you may not.

Stay tuned or reach out for more information.